Doctor for Candidiasis Treatment in Delhi

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Here in this article, we shall learn about the problem of candidiasis, its causes, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and precautions. Unfortunately, we have seen many people who have ignored the Candidiasis problem and did not pay proper attention to the signs of the trouble, which ended in worse and more complex conditions.

Candidiasis is most commonly known to affect women, but men can also get infected with a candidiasis. Women in the age group of 25 to 80 are most likely to get affected by candidiasis.

Vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection. Usually, various types of fungi live on the human body, including the genus of yeast known as Candida. Candida is generally found in small amounts in the mouth, intestines, and skin. 

Generally, at normal levels, this fungi is manageable. Still, when this fungus grows hysterically, it can cause candidiasis infection. Candidiasis is believed to be one of the most common fungal infections found in humans.

Ignorance and improper care of Candidiasis infection may lead to further problems. They may even worsen the situation by significantly damaging the affected area. However, the correct type of treatment from the best Sexologist can cure it completely. 


  1. A person can sense chronic fatigue if he has contracted candidiasis.
  2. Pain during sex may also be a sign that you have candidiasis.
  3. Oral Thrush can also be felt in cases of candidiasis and is the most common and evident of all symptoms.
  4. Soreness on the Penis can be found in patients who have candidiasis.
  5. Candidiasis infection brings up a lot of redness and rash on the affected area.
  6. Brain fog, commonly known as the feeling of foggy, is a prominent sign of candidiasis.
  7. Recurring yeast infections should be checked for candidiasis.
  8. One may also feel sinus infections if they have contracted candidiasis. 
  9. Candidiasis may incur food sensitivity and which can be treated as a symptom.
  10. A person with candidiasis may observe fungal infections on the nail and skin.
  11. There may be a lot of joint pain in the case of candidiasis.
  12. A weak immune system and loss of sexual desires are the most significant sign that you should get yourself checked for candidiasis.
  13. Skin problems like acne and body odor may also be seen in the case of candidiasis.
  14. A person with candidiasis may have many allergies due to a weak immune system.
  15. Candidiasis, if left untreated, can decrease the libido to a great extent.
  16. A person suffering from candidiasis can have a lot of sugar cravings and dizziness and may also face the problem of insomnia.
  17. Occasional inability to focus and mucus in the stool can also be a symptom of candidiasis.
  18. Stress, Anxiety, and Irritability are symptoms of candidiasis.
  19. Itching on the penis, anus, or other parts affected by candidiasis.

These are some of the common symptoms found in candidiasis patients. Therefore, a doctor can only diagnose it and must take proper medical care to avoid the problem’s re-occurrence.



Six different types of candidiasis have been classified according to the areas that get infected by Candida. 

  1. Thrush (Oropharyngeal Candidiasis)
  2. Genital (Penis) Yeast Infection (Genital Candidiasis)
  3. Invasive (Systemic) Candidiasis
  4. Vulvovaginitis, Caused by Candida
  5. Candidiasis of the Skin (Cutaneous Candidiasis)
  6. Candida infection around the nails (Candidal Paronychia)


  • Urinary yeast infection: candida species are the most common cause of fungal urinary tract infections (UTIs). This infection begins in the lower portion of the urinary tract and sometimes ascends upwards.


UTI may develop due to: having taken a course of antibiotics, having a medical device inserted such as a urinary catheter, having diabetes, or having a weak immune system.

SYMPTOMS: may include-

  • An increased need to urinate 
  • A painful or burning sensation when urinating 
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Blood in the urine 


  • Genital Yeast Infection: usually, when the controller bacteria (lactobacillus) levels are disrupted in some way, and due to this decrease, Candida can overgrow and cause Genital Yeast infection. This can be developed by practicing sexual intercourse that involves oral-genital contact. 


Generally, people who have an intake of antibiotics, uncontrolled diabetes, immunosuppressed individuals, pregnant women, people who take oral contraceptives, or those who are on hormone therapy are at a greater risk of getting affected by candidiasis. 


It May include-

  • Burning sensation while having a sexual intercourse
  • Itchy or painful feeling on the Glans and Shaft of the Penis
  • Redness, Irritation, or Swelling on the Glans, Penis, and Foreskin
  • Abnormal Smegma production can be cheesy, thick, white, and furry with an egg-like/fish-like/ mousy odor.
  • Red Dots and Rashes on the penis (head).


  • Oral Thrush: even after being a normal part of the mouth, candida albicans can cause significant infections if it overgrows. The infection may not be limited to your mouth but can also spread to the tonsils and the back of the throat. In addition, if the infection is left unattended, it may spread to the esophagus, which can have worse outcomes. 


People with uncontrolled diabetes, those who consume corticosteroid drugs, or those who wear dentures, especially upper ones, are the most vulnerable to Oral Thrush.


  • White spots in your mouth that have an appearance resembling cottage cheese and may also bleed if touched.
  • Burning or painful sensation in the mouth
  • Difficulty in eating or swallowing 
  • Redness in the mouth or at the corners of your mouth.
  • Loss of taste
  • A cotton-like feeling inside your mouth


  • Mucocutaneous Candidiasis: This is caused on the skin and mucous membranes by the candida species. Areas that are warm, moist, or sweaty provide suitable environments for the yeast to thrive. This may include areas like the armpits, groin, skin between fingers and toes, and skin under the breasts getting affected.


The risk of developing Mucocutaneous Candidiasis can be caused by wearing tight or synthetic garments, poor hygiene, etc. 


  • Blisters getting form on the skin
  • The skin may become thick 
  • The skin may start producing a white curd-like substance.
  • The affected area may become red from infection. 


  • Invasive candidiasis: in this type of candidiasis, the infection spreads to other body parts, such as the heart valves, brain, spleen, kidneys, eyes, etc. 


This is generally found in people with fragile immune systems and is acquired from hospitals. 


  • Candidemia: is a severe infection of the bloodstream. It can be developed due to the:
  1. a major surgery, 
  2. use of intravenous tubes or lines- particularly a tube inserted into a large vein of the neck, upper chest, or groin or from a box inserted to provide nutrition
  3. usage of antibiotics 

Candidemia can be fatal if it is not appropriately treated in time. 

Causes of Candidiasis 

As already mentioned, candidiasis is caused by the excessive growth of yeast species called Candida albicans. Still, other species of Candida can also cause the infection.

Balanced levels of yeast and bacteria are already present. Still, a disturbance in that delicate balance can lead to the development of an infection. 

Women who are more sexually active can contract candidiasis if they are indulged in oral sex. 

Some factors can aggravate the risk of candidiasis:

  1. Use of Antibiotics 
  2. Use of corticosteroids
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Use of hormonal contraceptive
  5. Uncontrolled diabetes
  6. Being immunocompromised 


Suppose a person has been suffering from the following symptoms or the combination of two or more of the abovementioned symptoms. In that case, they shall get a diagnosis from the best Sexologist.

When choosing a doctor in such cases, it is essential to pay due care as the right doctor and the correct type of medication can help one cure ultimately. So when it comes to finding the best Sexologist in India with the most satisfied patients and an excellent reputation, it may sound a little dreamy to see all this in one place. Still, here at Sidri International Hair Skin and Sexology Clinic, you will find the Best Sexologist, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, with the maximum number of satisfied patients and all the above things necessary for the care of your private parts.

Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput are known for building a fiduciary relationship (one with trust) with their patients, which helps the patients to become franker with their problems. Therefore, they deal with patient issues with due care and caution. The medications are purely Ayurveda based and customized as per the needs and severity of individual patients. 

Diagnosis at Sidri International Skin hair and Sexology clinic is performed by experts Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, who examine the patients and check for the severity of the disease. 

Initially, the diagnosis begins with a physical examination, followed by some questions asked by our experts to check the severity and vulnerability of the disease. 

Once all the examination part is done, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, with due diligence to all the other factors that can affect the disease, provide Ayurvedic and pure medications to the patients, which helps the patients to recover more healthily and also helps them to recover from the very depth of the issue.


As we have already heard that prevention is better than cure, a person suffering from candidiasis should take the following preventions to avoid recurring problems of candidiasis:

  1. Avoid douching.
  2. Should prevent the usage of feminine deodorants or deodorant pads or tampons.
  3. You should wear underwear made of cotton or other natural fibers.
  4. You should wear loose pants and lower garments.
  5. Wash the undergarment at high temperatures to kill bacteria and fungi.
  6. They should follow a healthy diet and practice a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Avoid wearing wet clothing for a long time to prevent the genitals and affected areas from becoming damp.
  8. Avoid hot tubs and bathtubs.


In the case of candidiasis, successful treatment depends upon reducing the proportional size of the yeast population in the body, building up the beneficial bacteria, limiting and controlling yeast triggers, and strengthening overall health and immunity.

Ayurvedic protocols are designed to address the underlying cause of yeast infection; Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to restoring balance, including diet, lifestyle management, and herbal medication. 

Ayurveda has a three-way approach to curing candidiasis:

  1. It focuses primarily on reducing the person’s toxic load.
  2. Secondly, it ensures the integrity of digestive Agni 
  3. Finally, it helps in building back the immunity

This helps in the pure and proper cure of candidiasis. The medicines used are pure and natural and do not have side effects. Also, medications are customized for each patient according to their need.

Ayurveda has always been found to cure problems from the very root cause than from the surface level. Therefore, if you feel that you have been facing any of the symptoms mentioned above and need a simple treatment with no side effects and no harm, you must book an appointment with the best doctors who are experts in the field of Sexology. 

Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic is the best place to go for any problems related to skin hair, especially in case of sexual problems like premature ejaculation, banalities, candidiasis, erectile dysfunction, loose penis, etc. Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput are the experts who are available at Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic and have expert knowledge in the field of Sexology. The clinic is known to patients worldwide as it deals with national and international patients. 

Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic are known worldwide for its goodwill and how patients are treated here. 

So hurry, don’t waste time because it’s about acute problems. Book an Appointment now so that all should be fine!

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