Premature Ejaculation Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Table of Contents

Premature Ejaculation: A Comprehensive Overview and Treatment Options at Sidri International

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a prevalent sexual dysfunction that can significantly impact an individual’s intimate relationships and overall well-being. At Sidri International, our team of experienced medical professionals, led by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and evidence-based treatment options for those affected by this condition.

Premature ejaculation is characterized by the inability to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity, leading to distress for both partners. This condition may manifest in various sexual situations, including during intercourse or even masturbation. PE is also commonly referred to as “rapid ejaculation,” “early ejaculation,” or “coming too quickly.”

The etiology of premature ejaculation is multifactorial, encompassing psychological factors (such as anxiety, depression, or relationship issues), biological factors (like hormonal imbalances or genetic predisposition), and environmental factors (including stress, substance abuse, or certain medications). A thorough evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying causes of PE and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

At Sidri International, our expert team offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to addressing premature ejaculation. We utilize a combination of evidence-based treatments, medications, and lifestyle modifications to help individuals regain control over their sexual performance and enhance their intimate relationships. Our treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s unique situation, ensuring optimal outcomes.

If you or a loved one is affected by premature ejaculation, we invite you to explore the services provided by Sidri International. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, you can embark on a journey towards improved sexual health and well-being.

Signs and Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a complex and multifaceted sexual dysfunction that presents with various signs and symptoms. The primary characteristic of PE is the inability to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity, leading to distress for both partners. However, there are several other major and minor indicators that can help identify the presence of this condition.

Ejaculation before or shortly after penetration

One of the most prominent signs of premature ejaculation is consistently ejaculating before or within a minute of penetration during sexual intercourse. This inability to delay ejaculation can lead to dissatisfaction for both partners.

Ejaculation during foreplay or minimal stimulation

Individuals with PE may also experience ejaculation during foreplay or with minimal sexual stimulation, even before penetration occurs.

Inability to control ejaculation during masturbation

Premature ejaculation can manifest not only during sexual intercourse but also during masturbation, indicating a lack of control over the ejaculatory reflex.

Excessive pre-ejaculate (precum) during sexual stimulation or erotic thoughts

Some men with PE may produce an excessive amount of precum during sexual stimulation or even when experiencing erotic thoughts, further indicating a heightened sensitivity and lack of control over ejaculation.

Frequent nocturnal emissions (nightfall)

A few men with premature ejaculation may also experience frequent nightfall, which can be an additional sign of ejaculatory control issues.

Frequent and persistent occurrence

The issue of premature ejaculation is considered a dysfunction when it occurs frequently (in more than 50% of sexual encounters) and persistently over an extended period (at least six months).

Anxiety and stress related to sexual performance

Individuals with PE often experience significant anxiety and stress surrounding their sexual performance, which can further exacerbate the condition.

Avoidance of sexual intimacy

Due to feelings of embarrassment, frustration, or fear of disappointing their partner, those affected by premature ejaculation may avoid engaging in sexual activities altogether.

Decreased sexual satisfaction and relationship strain

The inability to control ejaculation can lead to decreased sexual satisfaction for both partners, potentially causing strain on the relationship and impacting overall quality of life.

Low self-esteem and confidence

Premature ejaculation can negatively affect an individual’s self-esteem and confidence, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Secondary symptoms of underlying causes

In some cases, premature ejaculation may be associated with other psychological, biological, or environmental factors. Symptoms related to these underlying causes, such as mood changes, hormonal imbalances, or substance abuse, may also be present.

It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of premature ejaculation and seek professional help if they persist. At Sidri International, our team of experienced medical professionals, led by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and evidence-based treatment options for those affected by this condition.

Causative Factors of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a multifaceted sexual dysfunction with diverse causative factors. These factors can be broadly categorized into medical, psychological, emotional, environmental, relationship, drug side-effects, and miscellaneous factors. Understanding the underlying causes of PE is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

(1) Medical factors:

  • Hormonal imbalances: Abnormal levels of hormones, such as testosterone, prolactin, or thyroid hormones, can contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Neurological disorders: Conditions affecting the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries, can alter the ejaculatory reflex and lead to PE.
  • Infections: Prostatitis, urethritis, or other genitourinary infections can cause inflammation and increased sensitivity, resulting in premature ejaculation.
  • Genetic predisposition: There may be a genetic component to PE, with some individuals having a higher likelihood of developing the condition due to their genetic makeup.
  • Penile anatomical conditions: Phimosis (tight foreskin) and frenulum breve (short frenulum) can cause discomfort or pain during sexual activity, leading to premature ejaculation.
  • Balanitis, Penile Infections, and STIs: Conditions such as balanitis, various penile infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can trigger inflammation, discomfort, and heightened sensitivity in the genital region. This increased sensitivity can cause overstimulation during sexual encounters, making it difficult for individuals to manage their arousal levels, which may ultimately result in premature ejaculation.

(2) Surgical side effects:

  • Frenuloplasty and frenulectomy: Complications or side effects from botched-up penile surgeries, such as frenuloplasty or frenulectomy for frenulum breve as reported by a few patients, can contribute to premature ejaculation by altering penile sensitivity or function due to the pain or stretch felt in the post-surgical scar tissue during sexual activity.

(3) Psychological factors:

  • Anxiety: Performance anxiety, generalized anxiety, or social anxiety can contribute to PE by increasing arousal and reducing ejaculatory control.
  • Depression: Depression can affect sexual function, including the ability to control ejaculation.
  • Guilt or shame: Feelings of guilt or shame related to sexual activity can increase sensitivity and lead to PE.
  • Fear of failure: The fear of not satisfying one’s partner or failing to perform sexually can exacerbate premature ejaculation.

(4) Emotional factors:

  • Stress: High-stress levels can impair sexual performance and contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Relationship issues: Conflict, poor communication, or unresolved emotional issues within a relationship can affect sexual function and lead to PE.

(5) Environmental factors:

  • Substance abuse: Alcohol, recreational drugs, or excessive caffeine consumption can negatively impact sexual function and contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Lifestyle factors: Poor sleep, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise can affect overall health and sexual function, including the ability to control ejaculation.

(6) Relationship factors:

  • Lack of sexual experience: Inexperience or lack of familiarity with one’s partner can contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Mismatched sexual preferences: Discrepancies in sexual preferences or desires between partners can lead to performance anxiety and premature ejaculation.

(7) Drug side-effects:

  • Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, or blood pressure medications, can have side effects that contribute to premature ejaculation.

(8) Miscellaneous factors:

  • Conditioned response: Some individuals may develop PE as a result of early sexual experiences, where rapid ejaculation was necessary to avoid being caught or due to a lack of privacy.
  • Sensitivity: Some men may have a naturally heightened sensitivity to the penis, which can contribute to premature ejaculation.

It is essential to consider these causative factors when diagnosing and treating premature ejaculation. At Sidri International, our team of experienced medical professionals, led by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and evidence-based treatment options tailored to each individual’s unique situation.

End Note: To ensure a thorough assessment and evaluation of your condition, we recommend undergoing a Level 2 consultation with our specialists. This will allow our doctors to better understand your situation and create a personalized strategic plan to address your premature ejaculation concerns.

Impact of Premature Ejaculation on Couples: Emotional and Psychological Consequences

Premature ejaculation (PE) can have a profound impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of both the individual experiencing it and their partner. The condition can create a range of issues between couples, leading to emotional distress and, in some cases, even relationship breakdown. Here, we discuss the various problems that may arise and the potential emotional and psychological consequences for both partners.

Reduced sexual satisfaction

Premature ejaculation can lead to a decrease in sexual satisfaction for both partners. The inability to engage in prolonged sexual activity may leave the partner feeling unfulfilled, while the individual with PE may feel inadequate or embarrassed about their performance.

Frustration and resentment

The ongoing struggle with premature ejaculation can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment in both partners. The partner may feel neglected or unsatisfied, while the individual with PE may feel frustrated with their inability to perform as desired.

Decreased intimacy

PE can contribute to a decline in emotional and physical intimacy between partners. The fear of premature ejaculation may cause the individual to avoid sexual encounters, leading to a decrease in the frequency of sexual activity and a growing emotional distance between partners.

Lowered self-esteem and self-confidence

The individual with PE may experience a significant drop in self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of their perceived sexual inadequacy. This can lead to feelings of embarrassment, shame, and guilt, which can further exacerbate the issue and create a cycle of negative emotions.

Anxiety and depression

The emotional and psychological strain of dealing with PE can lead to anxiety and depression in both partners. The individual with PE may feel overwhelmed by their inability to control their ejaculation, while their partner may feel helpless or frustrated with the situation.

Relationship strain

The ongoing stress and emotional turmoil caused by PE can put a significant strain on the relationship. This can lead to communication breakdowns, arguments, and a decrease in overall relationship satisfaction. In some cases, the strain may become too much to bear, resulting in the breakdown of the relationship.

Impact on partner’s self-esteem

The partner of the individual with PE may also experience a decrease in self-esteem and self-confidence. They may question their attractiveness or sexual prowess, wondering if they are the cause of the problem or if they are not doing enough to help their partner.

Fear of rejection or abandonment

The individual with PE may develop a fear of rejection or abandonment due to their perceived sexual inadequacy. This fear can lead to further avoidance of sexual encounters or an unwillingness to discuss the issue with their partner, further exacerbating the problem.

In conclusion, premature ejaculation can have a significant impact on the emotional and psychological well-being of both the individual experiencing it and their partner. It is essential for couples to openly communicate about the issue and seek professional help if necessary. Addressing the problem early on can help prevent the emotional and psychological consequences of PE and improve the overall quality of the relationship.

Conventional Treatment Options Available Worldwide for Premature Ejaculation: Medical, Surgical, and Therapeutic Approaches

There are several conventional treatment options available worldwide for premature ejaculation (PE), ranging from medical and surgical interventions to therapeutic approaches. Each method has its own set of risks, side effects, limitations, and complications. Let us now discuss each treatment option in detail.

1. Medical Treatments

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs):

SSRIs are a class of antidepressants that have been found to be effective in managing PE. They work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, which can help delay ejaculation. Common SSRIs used for PE include fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, and dapoxetine.

Also, many patients report that they could only find temporary relief in their symptoms of PE when they consumed the SSRIs and unfortunately, the effects did not last long nor they achieved the long-term results or cure with SSRIs.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Some potential side effects of SSRIs include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, drowsiness, and decreased libido. In rare cases, SSRIs can cause more serious side effects, such as suicidal thoughts or serotonin syndrome (a potentially life-threatening condition caused by high levels of serotonin).

SSRIs may not be suitable for all individuals, particularly those with a history of mental health issues or those taking other medications that interact with SSRIs.

Topical Anesthetics:

These are creams, condoms, sprays, or gels containing numbing agents like lidocaine, benzocaine or prilocaine, which can be applied to the penis to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Topical anesthetics can cause mild side effects, such as temporary numbness or irritation. They may also reduce sexual pleasure for both partners if not used correctly or if a condom is not used to prevent the numbing agent from affecting the partner.

Some men may not find topical anesthetics effective in delaying ejaculation, and their use may interrupt the spontaneity of sexual activity.

2. Surgical Treatments


In some cases, circumcision may be recommended for men with PE who also have phimosis (tight foreskin). Circumcision involves the surgical removal of the foreskin, which can help reduce penile sensitivity and potentially delay ejaculation.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

As with any surgery, circumcision carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and scarring.

Some men may also experience a decrease in sexual pleasure due to the loss of the sensitive foreskin.

Circumcision is an irreversible procedure and may not be effective in treating PE for all men.

Frenulectomy or Frenuloplasty:

These surgical procedures are performed to correct a short frenulum aka frenulum breve (the tissue connecting the head of the penis to the foreskin), which can contribute to PE.

Frenulectomy involves the complete removal of the frenulum, while frenuloplasty involves lengthening the frenulum.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Potential complications of frenulectomy and frenuloplasty include infection, bleeding, scarring, and reduced penile sensitivity. Some men may also experience a change in the appearance of their penis.

These procedures may not be effective in treating PE for all men and may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions or anatomical variations.

3. Therapeutic Treatments

Behavioral Techniques:

Various behavioral techniques can help men with PE learn to better control their ejaculation. These techniques include the stop-start method (pausing sexual stimulation when nearing ejaculation and resuming after the urge subsides) and the squeeze technique (applying pressure to the head of the penis when nearing ejaculation to delay it).

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Behavioral techniques generally have minimal risks and side effects. However, they may require practice and patience to be effective, and some men may find them difficult to implement during sexual activity. The success of these techniques can also be influenced by the level of cooperation and understanding from the partner.


Psychotherapy can help address the psychological and emotional factors contributing to PE, such as anxiety, guilt, or relationship issues. This may involve individual or couples therapy, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Psychotherapy is generally considered a low-risk treatment option. However, it may require a significant time commitment, and the success of therapy often depends on the skill of the therapist and the patient’s willingness to engage in the process. Psychotherapy may not be effective for all individuals, particularly if the underlying causes of PE are primarily physiological.

Pelvic Floor Exercises:

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels can help improve ejaculatory control in some men with PE.

Risks, side effects, and limitations:

Pelvic floor exercises are generally safe and without significant side effects. However, they may require consistent practice to be effective, and some men may find it challenging to identify and engage the correct muscles during the exercises.

Pelvic floor exercises may not be effective for all men with PE, particularly if the underlying causes are not related to pelvic floor muscle weakness.

Each treatment option has its own set of risks, side effects, limitations, and complications, and the most appropriate treatment for an individual with PE will depend on their specific situation and the underlying causes of their condition. It is crucial for patients to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for their particular case.

Overcome & Reverse Premature Ejaculation (PE) with Expert Sexologists at Sidri International

Sidri International’s team of experienced Sexologist Doctors is dedicated to helping patients overcome premature ejaculation (PE) through a patient-focused, evidence-based approach.

Our specialists recognize the intricate connections between psychological, physiological, and lifestyle factors that contribute to PE, and they are committed to devising personalized treatment plans that address each patient’s unique circumstances.

By utilizing state-of-the-art techniques and therapies, our team enables patients to regain mastery over their ejaculation response and enhance their overall sexual well-being.

Emphasizing patient education and support, Sidri International equips patients with the essential tools and strategies to effectively conquer PE and experience a more gratifying and fulfilling sex life. Rely on the expertise of Sidri International’s medical team to guide you through the process of overcoming premature ejaculation.

A Deeper Look into the Ayurvedic Perspective of Premature Ejaculation: Shukragata Vata, Shukra Dhatu, and Dosha Imbalances

Ayurveda, a centuries-old system of medicine originating in India, is a time-tested ancient wisdom that continues to hold its credibility in modern times. With its holistic approach to health and well-being, Ayurveda has proven to be an effective alternative to conventional treatments for various conditions, including premature ejaculation (PE).

The foundations of Ayurveda are deeply rooted in ancient Indian texts, such as the Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridayam, which provide detailed knowledge on various aspects of health, medicine, and surgery. These texts have been studied and followed by practitioners for thousands of years and continue to be relevant today.

Additionally, the Kama Sutra, a renowned ancient Indian text on sexuality and love, also offers insights into sexual health and techniques to manage issues like PE. This further demonstrates the depth of knowledge and understanding of sexual health in Ayurveda.

In Ayurveda, premature ejaculation (PE) is viewed through the lens of the body’s energies (doshas) and their imbalances. This ancient wisdom offers a unique understanding of PE by focusing on the concepts of Shukragata Vata, Shukra Dhatu, and dosha imbalances.

In Ayurveda, PE is referred to as “Sheeghra Patan” or “Shukragata Vata.” It is believed to be caused by an imbalance of the Vata dosha, one of the three primary energies (doshas) that govern the body’s functions. The Vata dosha is responsible for movement, including the movement of the “Shukra Dhatu” (semen) during ejaculation. When Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to rapid ejaculation, resulting in PE.

Shukragata Vata

PE, or Sheeghra Patan, is also known as Shukragata Vata in Ayurveda. This term refers to the specific manifestation of Vata dosha, one of the three primary doshas, in the reproductive system. The Vata dosha is responsible for movement and governs various bodily functions, including the movement of the Shukra Dhatu (semen) during ejaculation.

When the Vata dosha becomes imbalanced, it can lead to rapid ejaculation, which is the primary characteristic of PE. Shukragata Vata is the result of this Vata imbalance in the reproductive system and is considered the root cause of PE in Ayurveda.

Shukra Dhatu

Shukra Dhatu is the seventh and final tissue (dhatu) in the Ayurvedic system, representing the male reproductive essence in the form of semen. The quality and quantity of Shukra Dhatu play a crucial role in sexual health, fertility, and overall well-being.

According to Ayurveda, a weak or imbalanced Shukra Dhatu can contribute to PE, as it may lead to a lack of control over ejaculation. Therefore, strengthening and balancing the Shukra Dhatu is a primary focus in Ayurvedic treatments for PE.

Dosha Imbalances and PE

The imbalance of the Vata dosha is the primary factor contributing to Shukragata Vata and PE. However, other doshas, namely Pitta and Kapha, can also influence the condition. An increase in Pitta dosha may result in heightened sensitivity and irritability, which can contribute to PE. Similarly, an increase in Kapha dosha can lead to reduced energy and stamina, which may also affect ejaculation control.

Ayurvedic treatments for PE, therefore, focus on restoring the balance of all three doshas, with particular emphasis on Vata dosha. This holistic approach aims to address the root causes of PE and promote overall health and well-being.

Ayurvedic Treatments and Vajikarana Therapy for PE

To manage PE effectively, Ayurveda employs various natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and therapeutic practices that focus on balancing the doshas and strengthening the Shukra Dhatu.

Vajikarana therapy is a specialized branch of Ayurveda that deals with enhancing sexual health, fertility, and overall vigour. The term “Vajikarana” is derived from “Vaji,” meaning “horse,” symbolizing strength and virility. This therapy aims to improve sexual performance, increase stamina, and promote healthy reproduction.

Vajikarana therapy is particularly relevant in the context of PE, as it focuses on strengthening the Shukra Dhatu and balancing the doshas, which are essential for addressing the root causes of the condition. This therapy involves the use of herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, and specific therapeutic practices to improve sexual health and well-being.

Some key aspects of Vajikarana therapy for PE include:

Herbal formulations

Vajikarana therapy incorporates various potent aphrodisiac herbs which help balance the doshas, strengthen the Shukra Dhatu, and improve sexual health.

Dietary recommendations

A Vajikarana diet emphasizes the consumption of nourishing, aphrodisiac foods, such as milk, ghee, honey, almonds, and saffron, which help balance the doshas and enhance sexual health.

Therapeutic practices

Specific practices in Vajikarana therapy, such as yoga, meditation, pranayama, and Ayurvedic oil massages, help balance the doshas, strengthen the Shukra Dhatu, and address the psychological and emotional factors contributing to PE.

Ayurveda’s effectiveness in treating PE lies in its approach to holistically treating an individual’s medical condition. The treatments are formulated with extreme care, precision, and perfection, taking into account the person’s unique physical, mental, and emotional constitution. This individualized approach ensures that the remedies and therapies are tailored to address the root causes of PE, rather than just providing temporary relief.

By utilizing a combination of herbal medications, dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and therapeutic practices, Ayurveda can effectively treat PE. These treatments work by balancing the body’s energies (doshas), strengthening the reproductive system (Shukra Dhatu), and addressing the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to the condition.

In modern times, Ayurveda’s credibility is further supported by scientific research, which has validated the effectiveness of many Ayurvedic herbs and practices in improving sexual health and treating PE. As a result, Ayurveda is increasingly being recognized and popular as a viable alternative to conventional treatments for PE offered worldwide.

In conclusion, the Ayurvedic perspective of PE, which revolves around the concepts of Shukragata Vata, Shukra Dhatu, and dosha imbalances, offers a unique and holistic understanding of this condition.

By addressing the root causes of PE and promoting overall health, Ayurveda can provide effective treatment options for those struggling with this issue. However, it is essential to consult a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic Sexologist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each individual’s specific needs. At Sidri International, our highly skilled sexologist doctors, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, utilize the fundamental principles of Ayurveda to carefully formulate Customised medicines for each patient. This personalized approach ensures that every individual receives the most effective treatment tailored to their unique needs, resulting in long-lasting improvements in their sexual health.

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines: Revolutionizing Sexual Health Treatment

Sexual health issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and male infertility can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being and the harmony within their relationships.

Sidri International offers a groundbreaking and highly effective solution to these concerns through their customised medicines, which are grounded in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

We will now highlight the benefits of Sidri International’s customised medicines and explain how they work to restore and rejuvenate sexual tissues and organs for lasting improvements.

Unveiling Sidri International’s Customised Medicine Approach

Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is designed to cater to the specific needs and requirements of each patient. This method takes into account an individual’s medical history, lifestyle, and psychological factors to develop a tailored treatment plan. In the realm of sexual health, customised medicines are especially beneficial, as they address the root causes of problems rather than merely alleviating symptoms.

Ayurvedic Foundations of Sidri International’s Customised Medicines

The basis of Sidri International’s customised medicine approach lies in the principles of Ayurveda, an ancient medical system originating in India.

Ayurvedic teachings maintain that the human body is governed by three primary life forces, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Imbalances in these doshas can lead to various health issues, including sexual health difficulties.

A crucial component of Ayurvedic sexual health is the concept of Shukra Dhatu or reproductive tissues. Imbalances or depletion in Shukra Dhatu can contribute to sexual problems and male infertility.

Sidri International’s customised medicines aim to restore balance to these doshas and re-establish equilibrium in depleted Shukra Dhatu, thereby addressing sexual health issues and promoting overall well-being.

By utilizing Ayurvedic principles and natural ingredients, these medicines work in harmony with the body’s innate healing processes, ensuring a holistic approach to treatment.

Rasayan Chikitsa and Vajikarana: Cornerstones of Sidri International’s Customised Medicines

Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is built upon two essential aspects of Ayurveda: Rasayan Chikitsa and Vajikarana. These principles concentrate on the comprehensive restoration and revitalization of sexual tissues and organs, rather than merely providing temporary symptom relief.

Rasayan Chikitsa:

Rasayan Chikitsa is an Ayurvedic practice that emphasizes rejuvenation and revitalization of the body. Its goal is to promote longevity, maintain optimal health, and enhance physical and mental well-being.

By incorporating Rasayan Chikitsa into their customised medicine approach, Sidri International ensures a thorough method to sexual health that addresses the root causes of issues and promotes overall well-being.


Vajikarana, on the other hand, is an Ayurvedic discipline dedicated to improving sexual function and fertility. It employs natural ingredients and therapies to boost sexual stamina, performance, and overall satisfaction.

Sidri International’s customised medicines integrate Vajikarana principles to ensure that their treatments not only address sexual health issues but also support healthy sexual function and fertility.

Additional Benefits of Sidri International’s Customised Medicine Approach

Sidri International’s customised medicines offer several advantages for patients with sexual health issues, in addition to their ability to restore and rejuvenate sexual tissues and organs:

  1. Holistic Approach:

Sidri International’s customised medicines address the root causes of sexual health issues by considering the individual’s overall health, lifestyle, and psychological well-being, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution.

  1. Free from Side Effects:

Unlike traditional medications, customised medicines based on Ayurvedic principles are safe, pure, and free from side effects. Additionally, they are non-hormonal, non-addictive, and non-habit forming, making them a more appealing option for long-term results.

  1. Empowerment and Education:

Customised medicines often come with guidance on lifestyle modifications and stress reduction techniques, empowering individuals to take control of their sexual health and well-being.


Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is a unique, innovative, and effective way to tackle sexual health issues. By incorporating Ayurvedic principles, Rasayan Chikitsa, and Vajikarana, their treatments not only address the root causes of sexual health problems but also work to restore and rejuvenate sexual tissues and organs at their core.

With a focus on restoring balance in Shukra Dhatu, Sidri International’s customised medicines offer a powerful and promising solution for sexual health concerns, including male infertility.

Sidri International: The Premier Choice for Premature Ejaculation Treatment through Ayurveda with Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput’s Customised Medicines

For patients struggling with premature ejaculation (PE), Sidri International offers a highly effective, personalized, and comprehensive solution.

Led by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, this clinic stands out as the premier choice for those seeking help with PE. Their innovative concept of customised medicines, combined with their vast clinical experience, expertise, and international credentials, ensures long-lasting results for patients.

Here are several reasons why patients should choose Sidri International and Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput’s PE treatment:

1. Vast Clinical Experience, Expertise, and Impressive Medical Education

Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput possess a wealth of clinical experience in treating sexual health issues, including PE.

Their expertise in Ayurvedic principles and practices enables them to provide highly effective and safe treatment options.

They have successfully treated numerous patients with severe, chronic, and complex PE issues, demonstrating their exceptional skills in this field.

Both doctors have received extensive medical education in Ayurveda and hold international credentials, ensuring that patients receive the most up-to-date and effective treatments.

2. High Success Rate and No Side Effects Treatment

Sidri International’s PE treatment boasts an impressive success rate, as numerous patients have overcome their severe, chronic, and complex PE issues under their care.

Moreover, their treatment methods, grounded in Ayurvedic principles, have no side effects, ensuring the safety and well-being of patients.

3. Long-term Results and Holistic Methodology

Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput’s approach to PE treatment goes beyond just prescribing medicines.

They provide patients with comprehensive guidance on lifestyle changes, dietary recommendations, and therapeutic practices, such as yoga and meditation, to address the root causes of PE.

This holistic methodology not only helps patients overcome PE but also promotes overall health and well-being, ensuring long-term results.

4. Customised Medicines: A Highly Effective and Personalized Solution

The innovative concept of customised medicines is at the heart of Sidri International’s approach to PE treatment. Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput recognize that each patient is unique and requires a personalized treatment plan.

By carefully analyzing each individual’s medical history, lifestyle, and emotional factors, they create customised medicines tailored to the specific needs of each patient.

The strong efficacy of these customised medicines lies in their ability to address the unique imbalances and root causes of PE in each patient. By targeting these underlying issues, the medicines provide a highly effective solution that leads to long-lasting results.

Furthermore, the customised medicines are prepared using high-quality, natural ingredients, ensuring their safety and potency. By combining ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific understanding Dr. Kanu Rajput creates powerful and effective formulations that have a transformative impact on patients’ sexual health.

5. Global Patient Reach and a Huge Number of Satisfied Patients

Sidri International’s reputation for excellence in PE treatment extends far beyond local borders. They have treated patients from around the world, helping them overcome their PE issues and improve their overall sexual health.

This global patient reach is a testament to the high-quality treatment provided by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput. The countless positive testimonials and success stories from satisfied patients attest to the effectiveness of their Customised medicines and holistic treatment approach.

In conclusion, Sidri International, led by Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, offers an unparalleled solution for patients struggling with premature ejaculation.

Their vast clinical experience, impressive medical education, international credentials, high success rate, no side effects treatment, long-term results, holistic methodology, and innovative concept of customised medicines make them the premier choice for PE treatment.

By choosing Sidri International, patients can feel confident that they are in the hands of highly skilled and compassionate professionals who will provide the best possible care and long-lasting results.

What Results can I expect once I start Sidri International’s Customised Medicines for my Premature Ejaculation (PE) issue?

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines for Premature Ejaculation (PE) can be beneficial for patients suffering from PE by offering personalized treatment approaches that target the underlying causes of the condition.

Here are some potential ways in which Customised medicines can help patients with PE and the results that can be expected:

  1. Better control over ejaculation:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines for Premature Ejaculation can help individuals improve their control over ejaculation.

By targeting the underlying causes of PE, such as hypersensitivity or neurotransmitter imbalances, these medicines can potentially delay ejaculation and extend the duration of sexual activity.

This allows individuals to have more control over their climax, leading to a more satisfying sexual experience.

  1. Increased sexual satisfaction for both the individual and their partner:

By improving ejaculatory control, Sidri International’s Customised Medicines can enhance overall sexual satisfaction for both the individual and their partner.

Longer-lasting sexual activity can lead to increased pleasure, intimacy, and greater fulfillment for both individuals involved.

This can contribute to a stronger bond and a more satisfying sexual relationship.

  1. Addressing underlying factors causing PE:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines take into account the various factors that may contribute to PE, including psychological, hormonal, and neurological factors.

These medicines may include targeted treatments to address specific underlying causes.

For instance, if anxiety or stress is a significant factor, the treatment plan may include medications or therapies to manage these psychological factors and reduce performance anxiety.

  1. Improved sexual confidence and self-esteem:

PE can significantly affect an individual’s sexual confidence and self-esteem.

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines, along with appropriate counselling and support, can help patients regain confidence in their sexual abilities.

As individuals experience better control over their ejaculation and improved sexual satisfaction, they may regain a sense of self-assurance, leading to enhanced sexual confidence and overall self-esteem.

  1. Enhanced relationship dynamics and communication between partners:

PE can strain relationships and lead to frustration and dissatisfaction for both partners.

Effective treatment with Sidri International’s Customised Medicines can help improve relationship dynamics by reducing performance anxiety, restoring sexual confidence, and promoting better communication and understanding between partners.

As the sexual experience becomes more fulfilling, partners can experience increased intimacy and a deeper emotional connection.

  1. Long-term management and sustained results:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines offer long-term management options for PE, allowing patients to sustain the benefits and control over ejaculation over an extended period.

The treatment plan may involve gradual dose adjustments and modifications based on individual response and needs.

This long-term management approach helps individuals maintain optimal sexual function and quality of life.

  1. Improved psychological well-being:

PE can have a significant impact on an individual’s psychological well-being, contributing to feelings of distress, low self-esteem, and anxiety.

Through the use of Sidri International’s Customised Medicines, which may include targeted psychological interventions, patients may experience improved mental health and overall well-being.

These interventions may help address the underlying psychological factors contributing to PE and promote a healthier mindset and emotional state.

  1. Tailored dosage and formulations for individual needs:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines can be personalized to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Factors such as weight, medical history, and tolerability are taken into account to determine the appropriate dosage and formulation of medication.

This tailored approach optimizes treatment efficacy and minimizes potential side effects, ensuring that patients receive the most suitable treatment for their unique circumstances.

  1. Overcoming cognitive, emotional, and behavioural difficulties associated with PE:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines may be complemented by counselling and behavioural interventions to help individuals overcome the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural difficulties associated with PE.

This comprehensive approach addresses the holistic needs of the individual and promotes healthier sexual functioning and coping strategies.

  1. Reduction of performance anxiety:

Performance anxiety is often a contributing factor to PE. Sidri International’s Customised Medicines, combined with appropriate counseling or therapy, can help reduce performance anxiety.

By improving control over ejaculation and enhancing sexual confidence, individuals are more likely to feel relaxed and at ease during sexual encounters, leading to a reduction in performance anxiety and improved sexual performance.

  1. Promoting positive sexual feelings and self-esteem:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines aim to enhance positive sexual feelings and self-esteem.

As individuals experience better control over ejaculation and improved sexual satisfaction, they can develop a more positive and confident attitude towards their sexual abilities.

This positive mind-set can further enhance sexual pleasure and overall well-being.

  1. Attaining core sexual competence:

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines, along with counselling and behavioural interventions, can help individuals attain core sexual competence.

This includes developing skills and strategies to manage arousal levels, prolong sexual activity, and experience optimal pleasure. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to PE and acquiring essential sexual skills, individuals can achieve a higher level of sexual competence and satisfaction.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of customized medicines for PE can vary among individuals. Results may depend on factors such as the patient’s overall health, compliance with the treatment plan, and the underlying causes of their PE.

The specific results that patients can expect from the usage of Customised medicines may vary depending on individual factors, the severity of PE, and the effectiveness of the selected treatment approach.

It is important to consult with our team of Premature Ejaculation (PE) Specialist Doctors at Sidri International, New Delhi, India to discuss personalized treatment options and set realistic expectations for the results.

Level 1 Consultation: Tackling Early Stages and Mild Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation with Medication Support

Sidri International’s Level 1 Consultation is tailored for patients encountering the early stages of premature ejaculation (PE) or those experiencing mild symptoms.

In this initial consultation, our medical professionals discuss briefly about the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and potential psychological factors that may be contributing to PE.

This consultation enables our team to gain a fundamental understanding of each patient’s situation and offer general guidance on managing mild symptoms.

Along with the consultation, a combination of medications is prescribed to aid patients in addressing their mild PE concerns.

These medications are prescribed to meet the patient’s specific needs, providing an essential first step towards managing premature ejaculation symptoms.

While the Level 1 Consultation serves as an introduction to tackling PE, patients with more persistent or severe symptoms are encouraged to directly explore a Level 2 Consultation.

This advanced consultation includes a comprehensive evaluation, an in-depth discussion of treatment options, and personalized support from our experienced medical team.

For additional information about the Level 1 Consultation, we encourage readers to visit our FAQs page, where you can find detailed answers to common questions and gain further insight into the consultation process.

By opting for a Level 2 Consultation, patients can benefit from a tailored treatment plan designed to effectively address the root causes of PE, guiding them towards regaining control over their ejaculation response and achieving a more satisfying sex life.

Level 2 Consultation at Sidri International: In-Depth and an Extensive Online Assessment for Customised Sexual Health Treatment Approaches

Sidri International, a leading institution in managing sexual health concerns, offers a Level 2 consultation designed to provide patients with a comprehensive and in-depth online assessment of their condition.

This extensive evaluation enables our skilled Ayurvedic Sexologists, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to each individual’s specific needs, ensuring outstanding results.

Main Components of the Online Level 2 Consultation:

Thorough Medical & Sexual History and Diet & Lifestyle Evaluation:

During the Level 2 consultation at Sidri International, our proficient Ayurvedic Sexologists, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, will perform a complete assessment of the patient’s medical and sexual history, as well as their diet and lifestyle habits.

This all-inclusive evaluation is crucial for understanding the underlying causes of the patient’s sexual health issues and crafting a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique requirements.

Key aspects of this assessment include:

Medical History:

Collecting extensive information about the patient’s medical history, such as existing conditions, medications, and past treatments, helps identify potential factors contributing to their sexual health problems and ensures that the treatment plan is both safe and effective.

Sexual History:

An exhaustive sexual history evaluation examines almost every aspect of a person’s sexual experiences and concerns. This process helps our doctors identify patterns and potential causes of the patient’s sexual health difficulties.

Diet Assessment:

Analyzing the patient’s dietary habits enables our doctors to determine if there are any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances contributing to their sexual health issues.

Lifestyle Assessment:

Evaluating the patient’s lifestyle habits, such as exercise, stress levels, sleep patterns, and substance use, helps identify potential factors contributing to their sexual health problems.

Based on this evaluation, our doctors will recommend lifestyle modifications to enhance the patient’s overall health and support their treatment plan.

By conducting a thorough medical and sexual history and diet and lifestyle evaluation, the doctors at Sidri International can develop a highly effective, personalized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of the patient’s sexual health problems and promotes lasting improvements in sexual health and overall well-being.

Comprehensive Remote Physical Examination:

A detailed remote physical examination is conducted to assess the patient’s overall health and identify any underlying medical issues that may be contributing to their sexual health difficulties.

This examination may include evaluations of erections and ejaculations through images and videos, which patients can securely share with our doctors.

Laboratory Tests and Investigations:

If required, our doctors may suggest specific laboratory tests or investigations to obtain a more precise diagnosis and a better understanding of the patient’s condition.

These tests may include blood tests, hormonal evaluations, or imaging studies, among others.

Personalized Treatment Plan Development:

Based on the information gathered during the Level 2 consultation, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s unique needs.

This plan will be discussed during the “Conclusive Consultation”, where they will recommend what will be better for the patient, whether prescription-based medicines or Customised medicines. Once the patient begins the formal treatment, they will receive dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic practices, such as yoga and meditation, to promote overall well-being and complement the treatment.

Dr. Manu is highly skilled in providing dietary suggestions and instructing his patients through online mode about sexual yoga, sexual exercises, and helping them achieve perfection in sexual positions.

Ongoing Support and Follow-up:

Sidri International is dedicated to providing patients with continuous support and guidance throughout their treatment journey.

Our doctors will closely monitor the patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure the best results.

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to track the patient’s improvement and address any concerns or questions they may have.

The Level 2 consultation at Sidri International is a vital first step in addressing and overcoming sexual health issues, such as low libido or low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction (ED), and premature ejaculation (PE or PME).

By providing a comprehensive and detailed online assessment, our experienced Ayurvedic Sexologists can develop a highly effective, personalized treatment plan that promotes lasting improvements in sexual health and overall well-being.

Embark on a Transformative Journey: Overcome Your Premature Ejaculation Struggles and Reclaim Your Confidence with Sidri International’s Expert Care

Living with premature ejaculation can be a painful and isolating experience, leaving you feeling frustrated and disconnected from your partner.

But you don’t have to suffer in silence. Sidri International’s approach acknowledges your struggles, empathizes with your feelings, and offers a proven path to regain control of your sexual health.

Take a leap of faith, and let Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput guide you on this transformative journey.

With their expert care and personalized treatment plans, you’ll soon find yourself overcoming your challenges and rediscovering the joy and confidence that comes with a satisfying and fulfilling intimate life.

In conclusion, if you are struggling with premature ejaculation or other sexual health concerns, there has never been a better time to take control of your well-being and seek the expert guidance of Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput at Sidri International.

We highly recommend booking a Level 2 consultation, which will provide a thorough assessment and evaluation of your condition, ensuring that you receive the most effective and personalized treatment plan. 

To help you better understand our consultation process and make an informed decision, we encourage you to read the FAQs on our website.

Additionally, we invite you to explore the review segment, where you can read numerous patient reviews and success stories.

These testimonials showcase the life-changing impact of our Customised medicines and holistic treatment approach, and they will give you the confidence to entrust your sexual health journey to our experienced and compassionate team.

Don’t wait any longer to reclaim your sexual health and overall well-being. Book a Level 2 consultation with Sidri International today, and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Regain Your Confidence – Your Sexual Health Matters!

Feeling anxious or concerned about your sexual health? Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic is here to help you face these challenges head-on. Our compassionate and professional team will guide you through discreet online consultations, providing the support you need to overcome your worries.

Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you. Embrace the change and experience the difference.

Don’t Stop Here

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